At the start of this year, after all the changes the pandemic had brought, it felt an appropriate time to look at our vision and values again. The following will provide the start of our own road map as we come out of the pandemic too, and continue to offer the very best programmes and workshops for young people.

Our vision

To equip as many young people as possible with belief in themselves and their creativity, and offer them the tools to use this in their every day lives

Our values

We create:

We do this through three pillars of action:

Pillar one – good writing needs good reading. We encourage and facilitate reading a wide range of books and introduce young people to authors and other creative practitioners.

Pillar two – getting all voices heard. We share platforms and competitions and collaborate with other writing organisations, as well as showcasing young people’s work ourselves. We will also develop the Inkwell Project to support young people from low-income families.

Pillar three –understanding the space needed to be creative. This means curating our online space to make it as comfortable for young people as possible. We also work to help young people understand the mental space needed, to manage their own schedules and the physical space they may need. We additionally help them understand their own creative cycles.

We offer:

The Inkpots manifesto


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