Happy Dyslexia awareness day!

On average, one in three children in every UK classroom is dyslexic, which amounts to around 1.2 million. This means that a number of those who come to Inkpots face challenges with reading, writing and comprehension. To celebrate Dyslexia Awareness Day, we’ve put together some resources that may help you in supporting your child, particularly […]

Body image

Expanding on last week’s post, we’re continuing to discuss mental health at Inkpots, and this week we’re focusing on body image. It’s an ever-present topic in the news and social media, and if your child is transitioning to high school, the new environment can make them more aware of their bodies. We’ve put together some […]

Back to school: choosing an after school club

With the new school year creeping up on us, we’re here to make the process a little less daunting with our back to school transition series! This week we’re talking after school clubs, something the internet is overloaded with information about. In amongst buying new school uniforms and stationery (you can never have too much…) […]